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Für das Working - Holiday -Maker-Programm gibt es zwei Arten von Visa : das Visum „ Working Holiday “ (Subclass 417) und das Visum „Work and Holiday “ (Subclass 462), je nach Lan in dem du lebst. Unten findest du die für das jeweilige Visum qualifizierten Länder. Working holiday visas If you’re on a working holiday visa you should be aware of your rights as employees in Australia and how to report any concerns about unfair or unlawful treatment. Eligible types of work and regional areas will correspond with the requirements for the second visa. The main purpose of the visa is holiday and travel, so work for longer than months with any one employer is not allowed.
Australian Working Holiday visa holders are permitted to do any kind of work of a temporary or casual nature. Wenn du ein Working - Holiday -Visum (WHV) beantragst, kannst du dir für deine Reisen etwas dazuverdienen oder eine Zeitlang in Australien studieren. Hinweis: Tourism Australia ist nicht die Visumvergabestelle der australischen Regierung. Visa werden durch das australische Innenministerium ( Australian Government Department of Home Affairs) vergeben.
If so, you could be eligible for a working holiday visa to Australia! We’re in the business of securing Australian visas. Complete your details below, and we’ll confirm if you’re eligible to apply.
In the Australian government announced significant changes regarding the Working Holiday visa program. One of the changes is the opportunity to work for more than months for the same agricultural employer. This also includes the opportunity to get a third-year working holiday visa , under certain conditions.
Kein Auslandseinsatzentgelt: Mit der DKB- VISA -Card weltweit kostenlos bezahlen! Keine Lust auf Wucherzinsen? Kostenlos, sicher, zuverlässig. Konto mit günstigem Dispo eröffnen.
Top Guthabenzinsen inklusive. DKB-Cash weltweit kostenlos. Apply for the Working Holiday Visa using our quick free assessment.
Our Registered Migration Agents can assist with your application from start to finish. The Australian working holiday visa is only available to eligible candidates once in a lifetime, although by undertaking work in a specified industry in regional Australia, it is possible to gain eligibility to an additional 12-month working holiday visa. The Australian Government has announced changes to the Working Holiday Maker (WHM) visa program to support regional and rural communities. Receive the most comprehensive Australian visa support using our experienced Australian OMARA Registered Migration Agents to represent you through the Australian visa application process. National Visas is a private immigration company and is not affiliated with the Australian government.
Extending your Australian working holiday visa. A list of these ‘regional’ areas can be found on the visa application page. Our Managed Visa Application Service saves you time and stress by taking care of the application process for you and ensuring you avoid costly mistakes.
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